Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Speaker: Keith Essen, RN, PhD, MSS, Consultant - Veterans Health Administration High Reliability Support Team
As the U.S. continues to struggle with COVID-19, healthcare organizations are immersed in a high reliability situation characterized by uncertainty and complexity. This presentation will focus on key high reliability principles to mitigate and reduce harm for both patients and staff during this crisis and beyond.
Time: 12:05- 1:05 PM EST
Speaker: Emily Landon, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Hospital, Epidemiologist - University of Chicago
Dr. Emily Landon from the University of Chicago has been an early adopter and pioneer of automated hand hygiene compliance monitoring systems (AHHMS). In this session, Dr. Landon will share UCM’s extensive journey from evaluation and validation of the technology to widespread implementation and sustainment and how their AHHMS has kept HH at the forefront during the pandemic.
The session will cover:
Time: 1:10 - 2:10 PM EST
Speaker: Ben Kanter, MD, FCCP, Chief Medical Information Officer, Vocera
Physicians and nurses contend with infectious diseases on a daily basis, but the COVID-19 pandemic is shining a spotlight on this issue and what is really required to protect patients and care teams. With a highly infectious virus like SARS-CoV-2, even the simple act of communicating using conventional tools like cellphones can put healthcare workers and patients at risk. Learn why hands-free communication is an essential part of PPE, helping preserve this valuable resource while improving safety for all and optimizing patient care and throughput.
Time: 2:15 - 3:15 PM EST
Barry P. Chaiken, MD, MPH, Clinical Lead - Tableau Healthcare
Patricia A. McGaffigan, RN, MS, CPPS, Vice President of Safety Programs - Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Barbara Youngberg, BSN, MSW, JD, FASHRM, Academic Director, Online Legal Education - Loyola University Law School in Chicago
Moderator: Moderator: Jay Kumar, Manager, Content - PSQH
Given what we’ve learned this year with the COVID-19 pandemic, what will the future of patient safety look like? How should healthcare organizations prepare to ensure that future outbreaks of this and other viruses won’t hit us as hard going forward.
Time: 3:20 - 4:20 PM EST
The culture of safety has been a big point of emphasis for healthcare improvement over the last several years. We recommend the speaker talk about the need for it to start from the top down to ensure that all staff are responsible for improving patient safety.