This report covers:
This report is part of PSQH’s observance of International Infection Prevention Week, October 17-21, 2022.
On episode 64 of PSQH: The Podcast, Dian Baker, PhD, NP, RN, a professor at the School of Nursing, California State University, Sacramento, talks about efforts to combat non-ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia. This episode is presented as part of International Infection Prevention Week.
Dian L. Baker, PhD, NP, RN, is a professor at the School of Nursing, California State University, Sacramento. Dr. Baker obtained her PhD from University of Hawaii and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in health care leadership at the University of California, Davis. Her recent publications on pneumonia prevention have drawn interest from hospitals across the country and patient safety organizations. Dr. Baker was the academic partner and researcher with the Sutter Health System Team that was awarded the 2018 California Healthcare Quality Institute’s C. Duane Dauner Quality Award for excellence in quality and safety for their work on nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia. In 2020, Dr. Baker was part of the team awarded the Award for Publication Excellence from the Association of Professional in Infection Control and Epidemiology and American Journal of Infection Control. She is currently working to promote prevention of nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia in hospitals worldwide and is a consultant for the VA National HAPPEN program. She is a co-author of a Call to Action paper by the National Organization to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (NOHAP) published in June 2021.
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As part of International Infection Prevention Week, PSQH reached out to our readers with a few questions about how healthcare organizations are dealing with infection prevention. This poll covered various aspects of infection prevention, including:
Read on to review the full report and see how our readers responded.
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